Buying 'used' Office 2007 on e- Bay?

There is a copy of Office 2007 on e-Bay that I want to bid on, but the seller states that it is 'used'. If the seller keeps his copy on his computer and sells the disks, (or has copied them) will that affect my ability to load the software on my desktop and laptop?


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Not a good idea!

The reason is that the person has already use the installation key on his/her own computer!

So, why does that matter? Because if you were to attempt to use the same key and register online the key would be blacklisted resulting in the nearly-immediate deactivation of BOTH your products from Microsoft. Under Microsoft's EULA and ToS, you are only allowed to install Office 2007 on three computers (Assuming he/she purchased only a basic license.). So, In the case of him already using all the license, you would all be blacklisted (as previously mentioned).

So you wasted your money and the other guy(s) got screwed as well :P.

If you absolutely must acquire this "deal", then don't register when installing Office 2007, don't even be connected to the internet.

I warn you though, this is considered 'illegal', because you are basically using an illegally redistributed back-up copy of copyrighted software.

Alternatively for a deal, you can search sites like Amazon which would offer Office for a slightly discounted price (most likely).


This is not a problem. Office 2007 products will only install on one computer at a time. So if you get the original disks and install it on your pc... that will automatically make any other installation using your product key turn off and then if you sell it and someone else installs it then your installation will stop working. I haven't heard of anyone being able to copy these disks successfully or being able to bypass the softwares reporting feature.

Hope this helps


Office 2007 license agreement states you can only install it on 3 computers. If the seller has installed in on three computers already, you would have to buy the license agreement (which is what you actually buy when buying software). I suggest not buying used software.


Most company's don't want you to resell there software. But they know it happens and in this case usually don't throw a major fit. Blah Blah Blah EULA Blah Blah Terms Blah.... ANYHOW... It's not illegal,

Lot's of people sell their licenses. The rule of thumb is if you get rid of your legal copy you are to destory all backups and currently installed copy's in the case of Mr ebayer.... If he keeps a copy then he's in the wrong,,,

But to get to the point no... Your ok.. Enjoy your program


advise you go to to buy a new one of the full version