Canadians, how proud are you that Billy Bob Thornton got boo-ed out of your country?
Celebrities live in luxury, and they do it on our money. When they act in an unacceptable way, and actually call the people who will buy tickets to support them names, it's time to send a message. I'd like to thank everyone who contributed to forcing him to cancel his tour. You may be proud of yourselves, but so am I.
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I'm not Canadian, but I'm VERY proud of Canada in how they re-acted to this idiot.Hopefully he will be treated the same way the first time he hits the stage here in the States.
I am a Canadian and didn't know anything about it until then when i read the paper this morning,i laughed and shook my head...not sure what he was thinking but the whole deal was quite hilarious by the sound of things...i wish that man would shave that horrid little goatee though...i keep expecting it to wave.I didn't take it some of these so called celebrities should realize that yes, its the public who pays their bills.