Yahoo E-mail New Verification Process to sent.?

I am mad ! I got this verification process to send my e-mail from my own account and need to type in what I see and I cannot even move my curser into the box to type the characters. So what gives? Is this
to Piss me OFF? So these Brains from the Univ. of high Tech. that

Moon J


Favorite Answer

Yahoo has been contacted about this problem and say they have their engineer working on it. In the meantime, you can use one of these links until it gets fixed or disappears. It's basic, no frills, but it works. or: or:

Lyn G2009-04-14T00:39:07Z

If a mail item you want to send out has the look of spam, then Yahoo is using this safety measure to ensure that you are a human being and not a spam bot sending out thousands of spam mail to the world. It is for you and your account security. Type in the char actor string, and send the E-mail. It may be a pain but it is sure better than the alternative things that could happen to your account. A very small price to pay for safety, yes?