Isn't funny how all the stay at home moms are always on yahoo answers all the time.?
shouldn't they be cleaning or taking care of there kids since they are always so busy.? I like how they always bash working parents for being bad parents, yet they are wasting there time on yahoo answers, with complete strangers.
sorry i hurt mommies feelings. go cry in your minivan and mom mom jeans... *sniff sniff.
Favorite Answer
Hmm, 89 points, Level 1 after answering 40 questions. Can you say TROLL? Go do your homework, kid.
Hi Shadow I am so sorry this is all happening to you. The other posters are correct and this does sound like depression which you must get professional help for but it's as a result of what's happening at school so you need to sort the cause first of all. You need to speak to someone about the bullying - let's face it, even if they find out it cant get much worse can it? You cant go on like this and it's not going to get any better unless YOU get the courage to do something about it. I know that's easier said than done when you've been beaten down so far. What are your parents saying about it all? Surely they should be speaking to the school about it? You need support and I know that's what you are looking for from us but we cant be there with you every day unfortunately. Could you move from that school and get your education somewhere else? I'm in the UK so dont really know your school system but you usually find that colleges, which people choose to go to rather than be forced to go to by the system, have more sensible/mature people and are less likely to be filled with bullies. In answer to your question about relaxing right now, I'm no professional but sometimes I need to 'escape' from the thoughts in my head and I lie on my bed and daydream. I think of a scenario that i'd love to be in and go through it step by step like a movie thinking of all the minute details. Doing this doesn't solve any problems but it certainly takes your mind off it for a while. Everyone is different so I dont know if this will help you but might be worth a try. As I said though, you need to either remove yourself from the situation or solve it somehow because it's now damaging you. I am so angry at these people who think it's ok to do this to you and, to be honest, with your parents who should be your rocks through this. If you were my son I'd never let you go through this alone - even if I embarassed you, I'd be making sure that the scum knew if they messed with you they'd have me to mess with on their way home (probably not the 'right' thing to do but I'm getting so angry typing this). I feel as though you are fighting this on your own and you must feel so alone. Please get help. Take care xxx
With that attitude and those poor language skills, I assume you will be working for minimum wage for the rest of your life. I think you should do yourself a favor (and us too) and not have children. You'll be one step ahead of everyone else here then. If you are unable to understand what I mean, email me and I'll draw you a picture. Hope this helped!