Have you ever wondered if...?

Just wondering - Have you ever wondered if the dollar bills in your wallet were ever in a stripper's butt-cheek crack?

Hop off the bus Gus2009-04-13T16:33:07Z

Favorite Answer

It all spends the same just don't put it in your mouth you might not know where it has been:)


most of your Q's are simply answered yourself.Islam is not wanted by a large majority of the worlds population.It is an outmoded 'mysogonistic belief system just like most other major religions.Any system that condones publicly hanging 16yo rape victims has either a few questions to answer or to be completely rejected by any civilised human.You can't come back at me by saying judaism and christianity are just as bad because plainly they are not and I am neither of those. This isn't a psychology Q anyway......try the chip on the shoulder page


Well in Canada there isn't any such thing as a one dollar bill. But i do have 5's, 10's and 50's in my wallot, but no i never thought of that before. How did this question come about? :)


Funny you asked that.
I was having a discussion just this morning with my family about all of location our money may have been.
I can truthful say that I have never thought about it being there, but probably will the next time I open my wallet.


i've never been so happy that we don't have 1 or 2 dollar bills in Canada. but i'll always wonder about 5's and 10's.

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