no tampon on first period?

i'm just asking this out of curiosity (I've had my period for about 8 years so this isn't about me lol).

I would just like to know why people on here say girls shouldn't use a tampon on their first period.

While I totally get that a tampon can be complicated for a young girl (especially when she is just adjusting to having a period), there really isn't any reason why the girl shouldn't be able to wear one on her first period...

just curious lol =)


I meant to say "why do SOME people on here........." hehe

2009-04-13T20:17:45Z doctor never said that tampons were better than pads...
in fact, I've been wearing pretty much only pads for about 8 years and never had problems...


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ahaha, uhmm well i use them as earwax cleaners soo... yeah

Misty F2009-04-13T20:09:10Z

I have no idea, even doctors say that tampons are better, at least every one I have been to says that. My daughter hasn't started yet ( real soon though), but when she does she will be using tampons from the start.


lol i think its they never prepare for there first period so there caught without a tampon

Artificial S2009-04-13T20:08:51Z

personally I don't like tampons but I guess she can use w/e


because so many people are text book, they heard it from somewhere, so they preach it too.

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