My garbage disposal spins, but doesn't grind well.?

It's not jammed, and water flows fine. Still, some of the food remains and starts to smell. One thing I've noticed is that the two metal pieces inside that look like they should be loose seem to be stuck. In previous disposals I've seen they moved freely.

Rusty Nail2009-04-15T20:39:16Z

Favorite Answer

Get those little metal pieces loose and moving. They are what do the grinding. Use a stick or anything else that will get them to move. Then turn it on and off a couple times with the water running to clear any debris.

Gary J2009-04-15T20:37:37Z

Sounds like the impeller is loose on the motor shaft. or the impeller is breaking apart.

harangus a2009-04-15T20:37:03Z

probably you have to call somebody to uninstall your disposal , cleaned , tightening and reinstall.Or you can do it by your self(I don't recommend)anyway be sure you disconnected before you take "a look"