Are the republicans aware that the goal of a protest is to show your outrage to the opposition, not amuse them?


Thank you all.
Apparently I was not clear to many. I was curious if the right was undaunted by the fact that their message was not received as they intended and if that meant anything to them. I gather from the responses that they were content with the results albeit, those that they were trying to reach couldn't get past the amusement value to really care about what they were assembling for. Since that is the case I'll expect to see FOX stage more disjointed protests rather than see them actually give a solid clear protest that doesn't leave people saying "what was that all about?"


Oh, I forgot to say, protesting IS about outrage! if you're not outraged then it's a public gathering or an event or an assembly but certainly not a protest.


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How dare you accuse Republicans... of awareness!

Seriously: 300 people in Philadelphia? I've seen more people than that on line at Pat's Steaks!



I have been sitting here, listening to all of this, wondering "What corporate sponsor would the anti-war protesters need to appeal to in order to get weeks of free advertising and support?"

What would they have to do to get ANY airtime?

Protests against murder/invasion/empire building have been taking place since Faux hired retired military heads to promote invading a country that had NOTHING to do with 9/11, one that posed no danger to us at all; that's propaganda. MILLIONS of people WORLDWIDE have been protesting (peacefully on their part) year after year, against this mass murder, no airtime - just ignore them, maybe they will go away. (NOT going to happen)

Still wondering.

Since war is so profitable, I can't think of a single one.

Priorities. We are becoming a morally bankrupt species.

We protest to help the rich stay rich, but not for innocent human life.

For what it's worth - I don't agree with either spending measure Bush's OR Obama'a. Both are CFR members, both marching to the beat of the same drummer AND towards the same goal.


I do not identify with the Republican Party, but am aware that the goal of a protest is to show outrage/disagreement over an issue.

If it amuses the other side, that is probably their mistake -- not a mistake of the ones protesting.


It's human nature...when people are afraid of something, they try to minimalize it by making fun of it. Which is exactly what the liberal media is doing with their coverage of the tea parties. They are showing how scared they are and you are showing how much of a sheep the libs can be. Think for yourself.

Mr. Taco2009-04-17T15:18:51Z

LOL! But I'm afraid they said the same thing to liberal protests the past eight years. It's all in the eye of the beholder.

Still funny, though. Have a good one!

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