March ARB... Any info on the area?

We just got our equal listing, and as March is a reserve base there is little info available in the traditional channels. So.. I need your help. Looking for info on mainly schools and housing. But, also input from active duty who have been assigned and worked with reservists.



It's been strictly reserve, but they are activating a new active duty wing. Bunch of us ended up with it on our lists!


Favorite Answer

Here's a lot of details about March ARB. You do have to open an account with them.

March is a really small base. As for as I know, there is no base housing because it is a Reserve Base. So you'll be living off base. I'm currently stationed there with the Reserves. Good luck!


The last I knew they had closed March AFB in Riverside County CA, that was over 20 years ago hadn't heard of them reopening it. But the area was ok and it's only about 1 hour out of LA and 4 out of Vegas.