Do you think I can pass the 8th grade with 1 D+(Math) and the rest C's? [I mean pass without summer School]?

I did horribly in math this year..


No my averaged out grade is a D+ for the whole year and a C- or above in all other classes.


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i dnt think you then again it all depends on ur other grades as well. if u did a lot bttr on previous report cards then u may pass w/ all c's idk if ull pass the 8th grade rite now w/out summer skool....sorry )':


A "D" is passing, borderline passing, so no desire for summer season college. besides the fact that midsection college isn't significant, I do wish you recognize that best college is going to determine which college you circulate to, and the way plenty scholarship funds you will get, so do no longer screw up.

Nichole L2009-04-20T17:58:15Z

in oklahoma we have to have fs to be held back or put in go to summer schools but if you have ds or cs you are passing!!