What more can I do, to find something that is lost?

Hello.. :)

My cat Auntie got out last night..she is an inside kitty and 5 1/2 years old..she was fixed 2 weeks ago..

I cannot leave any pics..because they are on my phone and I have to pay for them to be sent to my computer..No money.. :(

Is there anything you can suggest that I can do to find her?

I am not sure if she will make it outside today, as I live here in Phoenix, Arizona and it is already getting very hot outside.. :(

Because I am going to ask my "Friends" can you "please" keep her in their thoughts and or prayers?

This will undoubtedly get deleted..but my cat is worth it.. :)

((((((( HUGS ))))))) To one and All.. :)

With ~Love~ In Christ.. :)

EDIT: I posted it here, because of All the "Friends" I have on R&S.. :)


I have been outside looking for her since 6:30 this morning..

I had just gotten back..So I posted this question, because I care so much for her..

((((((( Jeff S )))))))


((((((( RedQueen )))))))

((((((( Linz )))))))


((((((( ♥Ŝåƒϊ♥ ٭ẠτЋєąŧї )))))))

((((((( Singularity )))))))

((((((( ABF )))))))

((((((( pink spinel )))))))

((((((( cppegirl )))))))

((((((( PEACE )))))))

(((((((( Jabberwock )))))))

((((((( love )))))))

((((((( ♥absent♥ ♥farmer♥ (¯`v´¯) )))))))

((((((( St Thecla )))))))


((((((( what'snext )))))))

((((((( ST )))))))

(((((((Jack B )))))))

((((((( Mixed.. )))))))

((((((( Filida )))))))

((((((( PediC )))))))

(((((((( blue chaos soɐɥɔ ǝnlq jpa )))))))

((((((( robert p )))))))

((((((( LillyB )))))))




I went outside and called her name and she came down the street running and meowing..
Auntie jumped into my arms and purred.. :)

She was very thirsty and hungry..

Thank-you All for your caring Answers..

((((((( HUGS ))))))) To One and All.. :)


Favorite Answer

if you love something
set it free
if it comes back to you,
it is yours
if not, it was never meant to be.

Hope you find your cat. you might have to "let go and let God" at this point.


Just recently I read that people who have studied cat behavior say a cat who's run away will typically only go just a few houses away, at most. Also, they're very scared at this point and it's their nature to hide to not be seen by predators, so even if you're calling out to them and they see and hear you, they will not answer.

This person also said to get a flashlight and look in every hidden place around the outside of the home.. under and behind bushes.. and to get on hands and knees if you need to. they also recommended a live trap, baited with tuna fish.

good luck! I know how worrisome it is when they run away. My older cat did that about 5 years ago and it took her 3 days to make her way home. She was outside howling, dirty and starving, and wanting in. lol. I hope you have similar luck!


I'm so sorry about your kitty, ELJ. It would be devastating to lose any of mine.

I'd start with placing "Lost Cat" flyers throughout the neighborhood, describing her to a "T" if you cannot provide a photo.

Set her favorite food out where she can find it.

If she's never been outside before, she's probably frightened. That's a good thing, because she'll likely remain close to home. Check under bushes, shrubs, the car, lawnmowers --- anything she could hide under, or in, to feel safe. Cats like these things...

Keep on praying, try not to worry. Ask God to send an angel to help guide her home and keep her safe. Beyond that, I have nothing. I'm so sorry. :(


blue chaos soɐɥɔ ǝnlq2009-04-22T14:43:49Z

Inform your neighbors so they can keep an eye out for her.

Notify the shelters in your area.

Tell the neighborhood kids. Children always find animals, theirs or otherwise.

Leave some food and water on your porch.

Do you know any hunters who might loan you a live trap? You just bait it with some canned food, set it up, and kitty gets trapped on the inside and can't get out without help from a human.

Cats are fairly smart and resourceful animals. More than likely she is curled up asleep in a comfy spot. Good luck!


Cats are actually sort of desert animals, so they know how to stay cool. Don't worry too much, if possible, because cats do go for extended jaunts, but they seem to always come home. We have a cat that lives on our porch and she has been gone twice--once for two weeks, then for two months--but she has always returned. My oldest brother has an indoor cat that got out and was gone for a year, and then just showed up one day, like nothing had happened. I trust you'll have your cat back soon, and I suspect it won't be too long; she'll want to get back inside, where it is cool.


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