Will the Yankees trade for a power lefthanded hitter before the year is over?
I heard the new stadium has a "wind tunnel" and the balls are jumping into the stands in right field.Will the big spenders trade for another big bat to take advantage of this? Have they found there is a "wind tunnel" effect going on or is this just a rumor?
I know they have Tex,Swisher and Damon--but the Steinbrenners always want the deck stacked in their favor
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well, since it the yankees, yeah they will magically find another 100 million bukaroos and get someone amzing and ruin another franchise
We'll see how it plays after the old stadium gets torn down, but even if this continues, they have more than enough left handed power hitters in Jorge, Matsui, Swish, Cano and Tex, as well as Jeter and Arod who have great opposite field power
Miguel Cabrera - look at this youngsters numbers in his early occupation - A Rodish. All around... - each Marlin is on the procuring and merchandising block, the place have you ever been for the previous 10+ years???