Do you ever talk in your sleep?

Occasionally I wake up saying what I was saying in my dream. That's always weird.


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No...I compose haiku.


Everyone does occasionally. If you think you don't, I guess you're sleeping alone...

Luckily most people don't enunciate clearly in their sleep and manage not to get into too much trouble. When my BF came out of hospital after a bad accident, he talked in his sleep all the time, usually shouting at nurses for not giving people enough morphine :-)


Mumble occasionally. When I am not feeling good I will wake up saying something and it is really weird!


Yes i talk in my sleep. and sometimes i wake up from a dream i was crying in and i am crying fro real.
I also sleep walk- one time i pretended to be an elephant while sleep walking.
haha lol yeah im pretty weird that way...


Id like to see you waking up from a erotic dream

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