More often than not he grunts and pulls his legs and head up right before passing gas. Sometimes he cries or looks like he is about to cry. He only has about one bowel movement a day. It's heartbreaking to see cause I don't know what to do? He's been using formula for nearly a month now (enfamil lipil) and didn't seem to have this problem when he first started it.
I've heard people say to give him some water. How much do I give him?? He's 1 month old if that makes a difference. I've been giving him about 1 oz every that enough? or too much?
Also, should I switch him to Enfamil Gentlease? It supposively helps with fussy babies with gas. Anyone have any experience with it...did it help your baby??
Favorite Answer
unless he is having hard, pellet like or really dry stools, he is not constipated; sounds more like he is having difficulty with gas to me; i don't see how he could be constipated and be going once a day; that's pretty normal...DO NOT give him ANY water unless directed by your doc; that can be dangerous to deadly in small infants, he gets all the water he needs in the doc if he is indeed having the hard pellet like stools and see what they recommend; if he's having normal movements (soft) then perhaps see what they suggest you do for gas.....
My son went through similar. He's 5 months now. He started of on Enfamil Lipil, they offer that at hospital so I continued with it, and he was super fussy, gassy, etc. I assumed it was the formula, (or you know, you try everything to see if it makes a difference), I too switched him to Gentlease for a little while. He did seem better.
Then I got some samples of the Enfamil Lipil, the one I had used originally, in the mail along with some brochures. It recommended to really try to use the original unless your completely sure because it has most benefits. He was almost 4 months by then, so I tried it out AGAIN...and his appetite picked up a bit! I've stuck to it since.
My son was born 1 month early at 5lbs9oz and I'm convinced it was just too strong for him at the time.
I also wouldn't recommend giving him water.. I cannot give you an advise on formula, never tried one, but I did used different techniques to help release the gases. 1 - Hold the baby's knees, bring them to the tummy and gently press the tummy down, this should help the gas to find the right direction out. 2 - you may try to put a tiny bit of any diaper cream on the tip of the digital thermometer and gently touch the baby' anus (don't try to push it in too far, just a gentle touch almost outside) 3 - you may try the "waterfall" technique taken from baby's massage - one hand starts on the upper side of the tummy and goes down , thyen the second hand does the same motion and so they alternate. 4 - also, try some clockwise movement with your hand on his tummy
I think 1 bowel movement is normal and completely fine, but if you see that the baby is uncomfortable because of gas pain, try those techniques, they really work! By the way, after the baby is 2-3 month old, the problem almost dissapears Good luck!
Yes switch him I had the same problem with my son. Days after he was born he was constipated he even went a whole week without a bowel movement and the pediatrician said he will eventually get regular but i couldnt stand to see him suffer so i switched his milk to Gentlease(even though my pediatrician told me not to) when he was only 3 weeks old and it worked great he has regular bowel movements and he is now 9 1/2 months and its still drinking Gentlease.
Also if he is crying and is in pain you can give him 1/2 oz prune juice and 1/2 oz water once in the morning and once at night it will help him.
If he has a bowel movement a day he's not constipated. Heck, if he has two a week he's not constipated. It's completely normal for babies to grunt and strain and cry when they poo.
If the gas makes him uncomfortable then you might consider changing the formula - but water isn't going to do anything.