Have you ever heard of Dengue Fever Virus?


Yes, this is a nice question. You are right in telling us that naturally, there is no Arbovirus-Dengue Virus present in the Aedes mosquito bod..they get it from the person already infected by Dengue. You see,viruses tend to develop overtime. But they need a host that will help them live and develop.For some reasons, viruses that originally not present in the body of a mosquito develops ( just like what happened to Ebola Virus and AIDS from monkeys). But for the virus to reach the stage that it is ready for transmission..they need another host for that..unfortunately..it is human. So when they are fully develop again and the aedes mosquito bites..it will repeat its cycle until it is ready to be introduced to the human body )..then the Pathogenesis goes on. So to prevent it from spreading the Aedes has to be eradicated. Hope this helps.


Yes it's major in the Caribbean but we don't cause a big fuss about it like they are doing with the swine flu thing...


Yes. Why?




I vaguely remember it I think.
Unless I'm thinking of something else...

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