What is the best way to make sweetened condensed milk?

I am making a Key Lime Pie for a Potluck tomorrow and the recipe calls for sweetened condensed milk but my boyfriend being the sweetheart that he is offered to get the ingredients for me...only he bought regular condensed milk. My question is, what is the best way to turn regular condensed milk into sweetened condensed milk?

Thanks a bunch!


Thanks guys for the ideas/recipes so far! I'd just like to ad that I'd like to be able to use the condensed milk that my BF got me to make the sweetened condensed milk as I don't have any milk powder etc on hand and have no time to get to the supremarket!! Cheers!

Miami Lilly2009-04-28T11:22:56Z

Favorite Answer

***Homemade Sweetened Condensed Milk***

If recipe calls for 2/3 cup sweetened condensed milk, use 3/4 cup evaporated milk and 3/4 to 1 c. sugar. Cook for 12 minutes. For 14 oz. can of condensed milk, use one large can of evaporated milk, 1 1/3 to 1 1/2 cup sugar. Cook on low 12 minutes.

EDIT: Evaporated milk (as in the above recipe) is exactly the same as condensed milk.


This is a great recipe that I use all of the time.

How to make sweetened condensed milk.

Difficulty: Easy
Things You’ll Need:

* 1 cup instant nonfat dry milk
* 2 cups white sugar
* 1/2 cup boilng water
* 3 tablespoons butter
* Blender

Combine all ingredients in blender.
Process until smooth.
Makes 1-1/4 cups or the equivalent of one can store bought
sweetened condensed milk.


sweetened condensed milk is EXTREMELY sweet. It is used in cooking, making pies, sweets etc. It is not a "drink". It is very thick and sugary. It does taste good, but is not a drink. You may be thinking of regular condensed milk that is kinda like milk but highly concentrated and canned. This is also used for cooking. I love milk and would probably throw up if I had to drink this. You are much better off drinking fresh milk. Fresh milk is for human drinking consumption. The others.....I'd never be able to drink them and most other people wouldn't either.


Open a can of Borden's condensed milk - it's been around over a hundred fifty years! Just add sugar to taste and there ya are! Bordens also sells pre-sweetened condensed milk...

Nana Lamb2009-04-28T11:28:32Z


there are several recipes for making it here. You must read through them and decide which you want to use. I cannot at the moment find my recipe. Know iti s here some where in this stack of cards, but where?

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