Can atheists Scientifically prove how socks get lost in the washing machine?

The 'scientific' evidence of sock non-existent. Yet, we know it exists.

If some scientist were to dissect 'for science' any number of socks, they could find no evidence to tell which would get lost in the washing machine, and which one wouldn't.

No proof at all. Zip, zero, nada. Yet, we know socks disappear.

Yet atheists say God doesn't exist.


Favorite Answer

When you empty the washing machine, check the walls for a sock that may have stuck to the side during the spin cycle.

When you empty the dryer, run your hand under the bottom lip of the dryer(on the inside). They sometimes hide in this area.

This question should be in the self-help section.

Silly theist.

Science has never stated that socks disappear during the washing/drying process. You could use science to prove the opposite, in fact.


The land of the lost socks

I didn't do it!2009-04-28T22:37:47Z

So, you are saying your socks getting lost in your washing machine is proof that god exists? What are you smoking and where can I get some?


I've never lost a sock in the washing machine. Maybe I'm just not trying hard enough?


Socks fall behing the machine.

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