Is bicycling a good source for a cardio work out?If so how often and how many miles do you need to ride?

To gain optimal cardio fat burning?


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If you're looking for a good cardio workout, cycling is one of the best - if not the best. But, you shouldn't worry so much about miles as you should about time, and quality.

You should expet to ride approximately 20-30 minutes at a good pace, say a cadence of between 75 and 95 (big range, but it depends on your fitness level) - and that's not really difficult to accomplish. When it's all said and done, you'll have ridden approximately 10 miles.

As your fitness level increases, you can increase time, which will increase distance.

There is no set mileage you should ride.

Also, though - if you do ride like this, be sure to have seat pack with an extra innertube and tire/tube changing tools, an air cartridge or two, and an air cartridge tool to use the cartridges. You'll thank me the first flat you get on the road.

Good luck!!


Cycling is an excellent cardiovascular work out. You want to learn to pedal at a high cadence 70-90 rpm's with a lite pressure on the pedals.
That will use your slow twitch muscles that use fat as a fuel. You want to select a gear that will get your breathing to the point where you can still talk but not sing. If you need to catch your breath or your legs start to burn, drop down a gear or two and recover. You want to go for distance not speed. The speed will automatically increase as you get stronger.

If you are new to cycling take short 20 min rides to get your butt use to the saddle. A good bike that is the correct size for you makes riding that much enjoyable. Stay away from Walmart and other department store bikes.

A bike shop will help you with the correct size and style of bike.

Find a rail trail that is close to you, there are no steep hills and you don't have to worry about traffic. It all depends where you want to ride.

Bianchi Rider2009-04-29T15:27:29Z

Begin by doing a ride you think you're capable of.

If that seemed too easy, make it a lot harder.
If it was too hard, make it a bit easier.

But the fact is you want to arrive back home with virtually no life in your legs anymore :) Stumble inside and grab a nice big sugary drink and climb into a cold shower!

The best advice is just to push yourself to your limit, and keep doing it!

Have fun!!