Moving into my first apartment?

So the 11th is my move in day to my first apartment. Im moving in with my boyfriend and it is his first apartment as well. I am so excited to move that i cannot wait for the time to pass. I have started packing odds and ends like seasonal clothes and kitchen things... but i cant help but feel i am missing something? Does anyone have any moving tips or ideas..or anyyyything that will make this week go by faster?! lol


uh ok im pretty sure i didnt ask anyones opinion about moving in with my boyfriend....


Favorite Answer

Yes, do yourself a favor and don't move in with your boyfriend.


Do you have the essentials?

Light bulbs
Dish soap
hand soap
laundry detergent
dyer sheets or downey
tooth paste
shower gel
shampoo and conditioner
toilet paper
paper towels
bath towels

These are the kinds of things that can be forgotten about until they are needed. Stock up and make a run to a local store, this should keep you occupied.

Decorating items are always fun to search for. Try a good will for old paintings and photographs.

Pack all items in advance. It is amazing how much stuff you really have vs. what you see every day.

Also don't forget a radio and flashlight for emergencies at your new place.


I would recommend you checking out this website. It is specifically catered to Apartment Renters. It has tips for moving, entertaining, decorating, organization, recipes, etc.

Hope this helps! Good Luck and enjoy this time!


finish packing everything your taking except the things you will need for this week and then just go celebrate your first apartment with your man

