What's You're Favorite Kind Of Heel?(Long)?

This is pretty long, but just choose your favorite kind of Heel persona. An explanation is needed if you want best answer.

* Crazy heel: A raging madman, dangerous and unpredictable - blame others for being "held back" from championship opportunities and other privileges. Sometimes psychotic behavior is displayed. Examples of this would include Brian Pillman, Victoria, Snitsky, Edge (after his initial heel turn in 2004), and Mankind

* Comic heel: A heel character with comical aspects to his or her gimmick. Examples include Simon Dean, Doink the Clown, Jillian Hall, Santino Marella, and Chris Jericho.

* Cowardly heel: A wrestler who, in addition to breaking the rules and displaying characteristics of other heel types, often runs from his opponents when placed at a disadvantage. A cowardly heel who is champion may often intentionally get himself disqualified or counted out, allowing him to retain his championship. Examples of a cowardly heel is The Honky Tonk Man during his run as WWF Intercontinental Champion in 1987-1988 and John "Bradshaw" Layfield during his feud with Eddie Guerrero in 2004.

* Traitor heel: A face who has turned a bad leaf. In addition, Bitter feuds are usually started after this act of betrayal which may go on between these two character for weeks, possibly even months. Recent example would be Matt Hardy.

* Delinquent heel: A rebel character who verbally and visually displays "criminal" behavior. The wrestler will harass or bully opponents and rebel against authority. An example of this would be the original D-Generation X. Other examples include Stone Cold Steve Austin, NWO, Edge and Lita during their Rated-R gimmick.

* Egotistical heel: An obnoxious and cocky character; some wrestlers play roles on their own fame, achievements, or good looks and usually will continue to gloat non-stop despite the boos of the crowd. Examples include Y2J, Edge, JBL, Randy Orton, Kurt Angle, John Morrison, The Miz, MVP, and Shawn Michaels.

* Foreign heel: In United States wrestling, these are heels who stir up the crowd by expressing strong anti-American sentiments. Often these characters would be topical, playing off global events and crises current at the time. Examples include the La Resistance tag team, The Iron Sheik.

* Monster heel: An unstoppable juggernaut who squashes his opponents. Sometimes, monster heels violently "injure" other wrestlers. Notable examples include Abyss, Kane, The Great Khali, Big Daddy V, Mark Henry, Umaga, and The Big Show.

* Popular heel: These heel performers are known to receive cheers from the fans instead of boos, in spite of their heelish antics. These heels display confidence, toughness, and coolness that set them apart from more cowardly heels, almost to the point that they become tweeners and, eventually, babyfaces. Examples include Stone Cold Steve Austin, Randy Orton, The Rock, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Kane, Kurt Angle, Matt Hardy, Mr. Kennedy, Ric Flair, Eddie Guerrero, and Samoa Joe.

* Celebrity heels: Are celebrities who act like a heel and would start a major feud with the top face. Examples include Kevin Federline.

* Figure of authority: A heel in a position of power. He/she often abuse their powers, books face wrestlers against seemingly impossible odds, such as handicap matches or matches against monster heels. Examples include The McMahons, Eric Bischoff, Paul Heyman, William Regal, and Vickie Guerrero.

* Moralistic heels: A heel who in his or her own mind is a babyface, and takes every opportunity to lecture the fans and other wrestlers about their perceived lack of values. They make it their mission to "clean up" the world of wrestling and eliminate elements the fans love. Moralistic heels include Bret Hart and, most recently, Chris Jericho during his current "Save Me" gimmick.

* Young heel: A younger wrestler who believes that he is the "future of wrestling" and spends much of his time antagonizing older, more established wrestlers. They believe that these older wrestlers should simply retire and "make room" for the younger talent. Notable examples include Randy Orton's "Legend Killer" gimmick and The most recent example is the tag team of Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase, Jr.


Favorite Answer

I personally prefer the heels to the faces.So I have a lot of different kinds of favourite heels from all sorts of different kinds of heels.My favourite types of heels have to be: Egotistical Heels,Crazy Heels,Popular Heels,Authority Figured Heels,Delinquent Heels and Comic Heels.I wasn't joking when I said I prefer the role of the heel to the role of the face.

Egotistical Heels- I like the Egotistical Heels because I love listening to a good Egotistical Heel simply boast about himself and be able to back it up with constant reminders of their personal achivements.

Crazy Heel- I love listening to the Crazy Heels go into a rant.I find it very amusing and rather funny.I love how the Crazy Heel can recive a lot of hate but can still get a smile on the fans faces.For example I love when Edge will go insane in the middle of the ring after retaining his title and start yelling at all the fans telling them that they were wrong!

Popular Heel- As I have said before I tend to like the Heels to the Faces.So a Popular Heel to me is like John Cena to little kids.The Popular Heel is usually my favourite wrestler.I am long past my little kid I love all the good guys phase.Now I am all about the Heel character.So a popular Heel to me is most likely my favourite.

Authority Figured Heels- I always enjoy the power tripping,power crazed boss character, like Vince McMahon or Eric Bischoff.I always find the power they have amusing to watch.

Comic Heel- I have always enjoyed a good laugh especailly in a heel.Simply because they tell it how it is.

Delinquent Heel- As someone who watched and was most interested in wrestling in the era of Stone Cold,DX and The NWO I have always enjoyed there rule breaking ways.They did what everyone wanted to do their boss,the guy in charge whatever.

I think what I like most about heels are they will get the crowd so mad and annoy them which ask my family and friends I have a habbit of doing loll.But they will tell people the truth that they don't want to hear."You will make the rules,but we will break them" kind of attitude.Heels are my personal favourite types of characters in wrestling I always find them the most enjoyable to watch.In fact the reason why I probably still like Triple H is because of when he was a heel.He was an amazing heel.Probably because he fit just about all of my favourite heel roles.

Darien Dumas™2009-05-02T13:48:48Z

I'd have to say it would be between "figure of authority" or "Crazy heel". Figure of authority because like Vickie and Eric, someone with power that abuses it is a position that draws a lot of heat from the fans. Especially when two heels (Edge and Vickie) team up it makes for a lot of excitement because you always hope that somehow the face will pull it off but the power heel team always pulls it off somehow. As for the "Crazy heel" it's just very entertaining. It's unpredictable and you never know what he/she is going to do. When you have a character that is unstable, it has the fans on the edge of their seats wondering what he/she is going to do next and if he/she will get it away with it.


I like the Comic Heel and the Crazy Heel.

The Comic heels like Edge & Christian used to be, were really interesting to watch. I liked them because you could laugh at them and still have them go and beat up a good guy.

The Crazy heel is probably the best though. You can never predict what they are going to do next. The best Crazy heels would be the old Edge & the old Kane.

taylor d2009-05-02T19:50:03Z

Gotta love Egotistical heels I mean they make WWE more then any other Heel. Young Heels Make me laugh there just overrated heels that stick with egotistical heels like legacy. Monster heel is prob my 2nd choice of heel idk why but i love seeing big guys go in there and kill little guys like for example: Mike Knox And Rey Mysterio. Im not gonna sit here and list every single heel thatd annoy me but i will name my last favorite heel. Popular heel GOTTA love them. Kurt Angle Is a great competior and they get treated like ****. These are my opionons not yours. Dont hate on me cuz u cant be better then me Lol Theres ur answer Alexxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Personally id like my heel to be a egotistic heel..big ego and can back it up in the ring also more off how hes accomplished so much and how many people hes beat i think big ego guys are awesome talents in wwe randy orton is one of my favorite egotistical heel in wwe at the moment of course followed by Y2J XD they keep you entertained and no matter how much you want to hate them for calling you a hypocrite and other things you still love them xD id like to see more big egotistic guys in wwe i think two big egos clashing in the ring is awesome xD

I also like comic heels they ain't the best heels out there but they can still be heel and give you a laugh and still make you cheer for them at the end off it..people like santino may not be that good in the wrestling ring but once hes doing a funny spot you cant help but laugh at him especially when he rapped to akon xD

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