My husband got laid off I'm so frustrated with him?
My husband went to work this morning. Where he gets the heart breaking news that he is being laid off. So he calls me and TELLS me we're moving where we're moving and how we're doing it. He decided all of this before I even knew that he was laid off. He didnt have a job lined up and he just wants our two babies him and I to move in with his dad and his wife.
It's something that I'm willing to do. I'm just so angered that he made a huge decision before even telling me there was a problem.
I even understand that maybe he did it because he believes it's his job to take care of the family and this is wha he came up with to make sure we still have a roof over our head a month to two months from now. How can I make him understand that it's my life too. I need to be involved in a decision like this?
Also his stress coping is stressing me out more then the actual lay off. I made him call a few places and make sure before pickup and move that he actually has a job lined up. I also wanted him to take the night and meditate on it talk to god talk to me map things out on paper. He's very impulsive and doesn't always think about the distant future. He does and then decides that it wasn't he right thing. So I was just making him take the time and think. Let him get some time to himself. instead he goes out and drinks. Then he gets high. He gets high in the bathroom in our house with OUR babies! Thn tried to lie about it. Right now I'm just so lost and can't get my husband to involve me in anything. How can I get him to understand that this is the time we need eachother the most?
Oh and he expects us to move in 4 days
I would at least like to give my land lord thirty days notice and a two weeks notice at the church I'm working at. I got 4 days.
I don't mind where we're moving. Or even anything like that it's the matter he made the decision. His dad knew, my sister knew before I knew what was happening.
Mike thanks for being the first nice response
I told him everything and he listened but he won't hear what I'm saying. Is there a way I can present it that he'll understand?
Wow ricky I agree with the drug test but you're stirring the pot of anger to my a little on the last sentence you wrote.
My husband made enough money for me to not have to work. I do have the babies to look after and the house to keep not some simple stuff just keeping the clutter. I tie all the ends. I wash the window he gets three meals a day. I only have a part time job that ensured that we got things we wanted I was saving up for his harley and a down payment to own a house. When he told me he got laid off I said I'll go get another job you can get unemployment and take care of the babies while looking for another job. He said no I already called my dad we're moving there I'll find a job there. You can have mydads wife watch the kids when you get a job
Mike. it was a completely new thing. He screwed up once on the job a few weeks ago. He's xrays pipeline and made really bad film. His job was on the line he was suspended for a week but his boss told him he was gonna keep his job. Then today happened.
Patrick I tried to make him wait. Your right his mind is made up. I don't think we should take a break from eachother right now tho. I'm not sure we would make it through if we did.
Sorry patrick I miss understood you. No your right maybe that'll make a huge difference start on a partially clean slate when we've had time to get out of the shock of things
I spelled misunderstood wrong. Patrick its a good thing you work with unemployed people you really helped me. I was starting to regret even asking when I got my first two answers. Almost felt like I never even contributed to our lives with a couple of other answers
Toy I gave you a thumbs up cuz that's along the lines of what I was thinking.
Oh yeah Pure Star I wanted to make known that you sound very intelligent and If your not already very successful you'll go far if you say things in a manner that a person would want to hear it so they don't just blow you off as an insult.
soldiers wife I appreciate you gave me an optimistic boost thankyou. I did tell my husband i appreciated him but focused more on the other. he tries i'm thankful for it. maybe i don't tell him that enough