A hooded skeleton approaches you with a loaf of bread in one hand and a stone in the other and tells you to...?

"choose." You try to question him to get more information, but all he keeps saying is, "Choose..." Is this a dream or an astral visit? Who is this entity? What is the right choice and why is he visiting?


Oh, and please no Bible-beater preaching answers... that's not what I'm looking for.


My thought was that if you choose the bread, you'll eat for a night, but if you choose the stone, you can grind all the wheat you need to continue making bread and eating. Dunno, the path to death sounds like a viable answer too, what do you think?


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He's asking you which path to death you would like to take .. bodily malfunction or physical trauma ..

Turtle Bandicoot2009-05-04T22:38:07Z

the fcuk am i going to do with a stone? I'll take the bread please. Well it must be death from Family guy and it's not an astral visit or a dream. It's called Halloween!


Kick it in the *** , break its legs so that it doesnt stand again.

Why play ?

Remember : Spirituality is a matter of war with devil which Buddha calls as Mara(death)


I wouldn't eat bread a skeleton touched, ewww, would you?


I think I would "choose" to stop taking magic mushrooms for a while, that's heavy hallucination there.

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