Conflicted ex boyfriend feelings?

It's been a year since my ex broke up with me, and I'm with another guy now. My new boyfriend and I have been dating for four months and we're pretty serious, and I'm completely over my ex boyfriend. I have no romantic feelings in him whatsoever; in fact, I kind of wonder what I ever saw in him in the first place. However, I still have this feeling in the back of my mind that I want my ex boyfriend to be jealous of my current boyfriend. Is that normal? Is that bad? I feel really mean for even thinking stuff like that, not to mention I'm scared that it means I'm not really as over him as I thought....


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That sounds pretty normal, especially if you were with your ex for a while. It's not like he'll fall completely fall out of your memory. At least you're keeping yourself in check by recognizing that it doesn't really matter if you see him or know what I mean? Like if you were actively trying to find him to show off your new boyfriend, that would be bad, and suggest you're not that over him. But just thinking about him every now and again is normal. Perfectly. (^_^)


Yeah, it sounds pretty normal. It's just like wanting to have the teacher who thought you'd be a failure see you become successful. It doesn't necessarily mean that you want your old boyfriend back, you just want him to see how much better you can do than him. Do your current boyfriend a favor, though, and don't bother trying to explain this to him. He may get the wrong impression. As long as your serious about this guy, what you think or wish your ex feels is irrelevant.


Your not over him, but you really, really want to be! Why don't you just random txt him, or facebook him, or somehting. It will remind you why you either don't like him and make you feel better. Or you will know that maybe you need something more out of your current realtionship to forget the ex. The other thing, you never forget the good ones, ever!


It's completely normal for wanting him to be jealous, but doing that hurts the person, so it's a little mean.


Hmm maybe you should re-examine those feelings about your ex. For instance, what if he came back to you with a really heart felt gesture that he wanted you back? Would you turn him down? Theres your answer.

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