why does every porn star always say "oh my god" over and over again?

he has no place there...


Favorite Answer

Haha. Because it is the only line those morons can remember.




I say Oh my god during sex sometimes. Its just a nonsense phrase that doesn't mean anything. Something falls, you say oh my god, almost as an instinctual reaction. I say oh god oh god when I am having sex, but I'm an atheist, what does that mean? That I have heard the phrase said over and over throughout the course of my life and that its just something we say that doesn't mean anything, a cliche phrase. Like oh fiddlesticks or whatever even though I doubt you'd ever hear that in a porn or out of your girlfriend. lol.... oh fiddlesticks, oh fiddlesticks, ew... thats ind of gross, makes me think about old people having sex, no thanks. *shudder*
And EVERY porn star doesn't say it... Niki Nova, my personal favorite porn star, never says that. And women in porn are not stupid whoever up their said that. They are quite smart if you ask me, getting paid lots of money to have sex with hot guys, sign me up! Anyway, maybe you need to broaden your flavor of porn? Porn is great! I am a woman who loves porn, so sue me!


if u look up god in the dictionary, it doesnt say our creator or Lord or Father.

its YOUR god, anybody/anything you want it to be.

like our money, it says 'in god we trust'
yet it has the pyramid of osiris and horus, which is very luciferian.
then it says 'New Secular Order'


Please I want to interact with you. But how can I when you ask such silly questions? Not to hurt your feelings honestly, but if you want dialogue I would love to talk with you, but your question is in bad taste and doesn't deserve an answer.

Come on, think up something that will challenge Christians and non-Christians. You will get serious responses. Love and Peace.

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