A fight between Kyle Busch, and Danica Patrick..?

Who would win??


In all of racing the only two drivers I would trust with my back, in a bar brawl would be Jimmy Spencer, and Danica Patrick.. Anyone who doesn't believe that needs to read about her experiences racing, and living among the boys, when she was alone in England, learning her trade.. She may look like she belongs in the Swim Suit edition, but that woman can take care of herself.. She came up the hard way, in a mans sport.. She was just a kid.. She's still just a kid..

STORM BANDIT2009-05-06T13:23:33Z

Favorite Answer

Danica would win it in a heart beat. That is one vicious woman. I bet Kyle would like that.


I didn't know Dale Jr or Kyle Busch wear panties. I don't care who gets the most press because everyone gets their fair share but some people just refuse to see it that way. If a certain driver gets shown 1 minute more or a couple times more then another driver then that driver is eating up the air time. I don't give a crap.

Colonel Reb2009-05-06T20:25:30Z

Danica's pretty feisty, but there is no way Kyle Busch would lose that fight. I think she'd give him a bruise or two though.


Kyle Busch Would Win This Fight Which Will Never Happen.


Danica of course

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