learning visual basic 2008?

please provide links to learn vb 2008. it can be video/book anything.

thanx in advance.


Favorite Answer

When I started out, I liked these books:

For starters buy this one. I don't have this one, but it has good reviews, it's cheap, and I love this publisher: http://www.amazon.com/Beginning-Visual-Basic-Thearon-Willis/dp/0764574019/ref=pd_sim_b_4

Just because it is 2005 and the latest version is 2008 doesn't really matter. Not much has changed... ..Net Framework is now 3.5 but the only things that adds are WPF, and a few others... not topics for beginners.

Then go for (I do have this one) and I like it a lot. This even has a review of basic concepts, but don't use it as a beginner book. It is an advanced book so don't get this for a few more months or until you are comfortable.


For online free sources, MSDN is the best:


I'm sure you'll find VB.Net fun and easy. :)