Which wrestler has the most gorgeous hair?

My opinion-Matt Hardy, The Brian Kendrick, William Regal and last but not least John Morrison. My daughter and I agree, but her number one choice is The Brian Kendrick. The worst hair is Randy Orton.

str8 edge™2009-05-12T16:29:56Z

Favorite Answer



John Morrison
The Brian Kendrick
Chris Jericho
The Miz

Randy Orton
Triple H
Jack Swagger
Santina Marella


OK, I have to say even though I don't like him Morrison has some flippen awesome hair going on. lol
Oh, and Randy's hair awesome!


for a guy i would say probablly batista because he has the coolest facil hair and none to much head hair. or hornswoogle

female... uhh they are almost all really good.

Xwa D2009-05-12T08:46:46Z

Prob..... Morrison

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