i need lawyers now car repoed want it back asap?

car company lied to me and repoed my car after promising they wouldnt i want to file suit now and get my car returned today.

i am a little behind on payments due to this horrid economy. now it gets worse as i cant go to work, i need my car back now


it wasnt a legal repo the man showed no paperwork and didnt have us sign anything.

for it to be legal you have to sign for them to take it

Chris B2009-05-13T12:39:06Z

Favorite Answer

They can show up at night and repo your car without your knowledge and telling you that they wouldn't repo is a permissible lie. The issue is whether you "breached the peace" when they attempted to repo. A repossession cannot take place when the debtor has breached the peace.


Pay it current and ask them nice. Plan on additional charges for the repo.

Quote" it wasnt a legal repo the man showed no paperwork and didnt have us sign anything."

Who says you have to sign anything. Your word against his as to what happened. Who do you think a court will believe?


You aren't going to get your car back today. Talk to a lawyer to see what, if anything, can be done.


instead of spending money on lawyers, why not pay the car payment.
oh, and it is not your car, it belongs to the loan company.


Oh they promised? Those meanies!

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