What do you think of this Blog About the Auto Industry?

After BILLIONS of taxpayers dollars to bail out auto companies "TOO BIG TO FAIL" we have now come full circle and the two automakers that took bailout money "HAVE FAILED". With this, many jobs will be lost due to consolidation of plants and dealerships along with the elimination of brands. And now Chrysler will close yet another plant (that makes motors) and move even more jobs to Mexico and I'm betting GM will do the same. How long do you think it will take Fiat and General Motors to import more of it's cars along with making Chryslers over seas and shipping them into the United State thus closing more American plants and costing more American jobs?

And now for the complicated part nobody has yet addressed. The remaining UAW workers that have survived the deep job cuts for now are faced with their union that owns 55 % of Chrysler and will probably end up with a large percentage of GM. How can a UAW auto worker feel good about negotiating a contract through their union when the union owns part of the company. Do you think the UAW will give up monies for wages and benefits when it will have a direct outcome on the bottom line of the companies they now have ownership in?

And if you're a Ford employee (and since Ford didn't take bailout money) how do you get treated equally? You are asking your union to get you a better wage at contract time, yet the same union has a financial interest in two of the three companies they represent. I see a conflict of interest here and a lot of problems down the road.


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My heart goes out to anyone in the auto industry. I feel that the present political administration is making HUGE mistakes constantly and especially with the bail-outs. Daily I turn on Fox news to see what mistakes have been made. I would attempt to find another career if I worked for any of the car companies. It is rather hard to step out of that I am positive, however, it may be for the best. So many jobs are not going to be around much longer. The medical profession has many careers that only take a few months in college and you can move up from there. Easier said than done, but it would be worth a try. UAW unions are going to have divided loyalities I fear so the employees will suffer further ruin.