Why are teachers so underrated in America?

I'm a teacher and am on the chopping block at my school. I've gone 120% above and beyond the call of duty but my job is still in jeopardy in California....why are we the first to go when we are the beginning of any profession?

milos mom2009-05-15T19:33:33Z

Favorite Answer

its disgusting. Yet all these celebrities make millions of dollars a year. You are making a difference in every child's life. Which could possibly be the most important career of most. Your teaching our future generations. They need knowledge, not lack of. Im pregnant with my first child and Im so worried about FL schools. Budget cuts are due since schools not revenue makers I guess.


You know what.. THATS NOT RIGHT! I mean, the girl who answered earlier is correct.You truly are making a difference in those children's lives and I don't see Peyton Manning doing that. For some reason, celebs make millions each year, while somebody WHO ACTUALLY WORKS only makes 30-100 thousand per year. I just hate how the inequality of america is not always recognized. Sure, you might not be a singer, but you are helping the world become a better place. BUT because congress is so stubborn, they dont care about the us, the only care about their paychecks.


actaully I think teachers for the most part and not all of them are over rated. Its simple economics the US puts the most money in education and we are usually at the bottom or middle of most learning catagorys. Its simple the US is not getting any return for its money, at least right now anyway. I am not knocking you I am sure you do your job very well. For instance most seniors in high school still have to learn about McBeth, thats fin e if your a student wanting to continue in the arts, but it has nothing to do with the world now. A serious overhall of the education system needs to be done, until then your jobs will probably be in jeapordy.


no clue my husband is a teacher at a japanese school and he got a new job 8 hours away and guess what he goes back there every weekend just to teach until they cna find a replacement it costs more to go there than he makes teach! i feel bad for you you do not deserve that at all we need teachers !


Because in the States, the average adult is already akin to an idiot, so what's it matter if the massed produced, population exploding Yanks, also become idiots. Sad but true.

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