I'm very bored. What fun things are there to do on a saturday morning at my house?

Examples: -swim (can't)


Favorite Answer

:D I'm bored too, which is why I'm on here. You could: play outside, thats always fun. Watch TV, do homework, invite a friend over, eat lunch (my favorite of these), listen to music, play a game, sleep, your right cooking is fun, read, clean your room, entertain a sibling, text/talk to your friends, answer other peoples questions on answers.yahoo.com, or even exercise. There are many things to do, just use your ~Imagination~. I hope I helped!


here's some weird and fun stuff:

have a water drinking contest. FUN!

step off a curb and imagine with all your might you are stepping off a cliff. This is interesting, and actually works.

stare at the back of someone's head until they turn around. see how long it takes.

dig under your bed and see what lost crap is there. i found stuff I long forgot.

see how dizzy you can possibly get. try to get so dizzy from spinning around you can't stand up. looks stupid, but is really fun especially when you are dying from boredom.

okay! hope these work, they're really fun, funny and weird.


play a video game
watch a move or cartoons
write a story
hang out at a friends house
play outside


Having video games' competitions
filming videos/movies, editing it and post it on youtube
watching random and poor rated, old movies on tv (who sleeps who gets punished)
cooking some disgusting and hell-like food, and do some competitions and if who loses he/she eats it.
Create a song
Do some plays (no script)


You know since you have a computer why don't you just search up weird things you know like haunted houses or ghosts you know use your creativity, imagination sure you have one of those right?

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