What are your favorite MLB teams in each division?

Favorite teams in AL East,Central,West and NL East,Central,and West.
Here are mine: AL East- Red Sox (aka my favorite team)
AL Central- Twins
AL West- Angels
NL East- Mets (maybe a tie with the Phillies)
NL Central- Cardinals
NL West- Diamondbacks


Favorite Answer

AL East: Red Sox
AL Central: Twins
AL West: Athletics
NL East: Marlins
NL Central: Cubs
NL West: Giants


AL Central- Twins and Indians
AL West- Angels and Rangers
AL East- Obviously Red Sox :)

NL East- Mets :) and the Marlins
NL Central- Cardinals
NL- West Giants


Overall Favorite Team- Red Sox
2nd favorite from the NL- Giants

AL West- Mariners
AL Central- Tigers
AL East- Red Sox (Overall Favorite)

NL West- Giants
NL Central- Reds
NL East- Marlins


AL East- TB Rays
AL Central- Royals
AL West- A's
NL East- Nationals
NL Central- Cubs
NL WEst- Giants

Jenn Brewers ∂ Packers Girl2009-05-16T13:44:10Z

AL Central: White Sox/ Twins
AL West: A's
AL East: O's

NL Central: Brewers (22-14)!!!!
NL East: Braves
NL West: Giants

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