What are some ways to neutralize chlorine gas?

**I know chlorine gas is very dangerous. I am very aware that it will kill you quickly if you inhale it. If you create chlorine gas by mixing ammonia and bleach, is there a safe way to neutralize it?**

I've looked on the internet and I have never found a really good answer with a solid explanation. Does anyone know of a good way to neutralize the deadly effects of chlorine gas and turn it into something harmless?

Some of the ways I have found are...

1) Just Plain Water. I am kind of suspicious of this one though, as it is used in the creation of chlorine gas when you mix ammonia and bleach.

2)Hydrogen Peroxide. You know, the stuff you put on cuts to clean them out. If it works, I would like to know how, and why.

3)Sodium thiosulfate. The main ingredient in hand warmers. The only problem with this one is, I probably wont have access to large amounts of it unless I buy lots of hand warmers. Those things are expensive too.


Favorite Answer

Plain water works. Some pools are chlorinated by adding Cl2 gas.
Hydrogen peroxide HO-OH has a weak bond joining the two oxygen atoms, this breaks under sunlight / UV light. The two OH. radicals that form then react with the chlorine.
Sodium thiosulphate is real cheap. It is not a dangerous compound,and you can get is from a school science shop, or even order it from a pharmacy.

lili k2009-05-16T15:30:05Z

best protection is prevention. Cl reacts rapidly with CH4(metane) if there is a strong source of light (UV, sunlight etc.) . It produces ch3cl, ch2cl2, chcl3, ccl4. this compounds are used in dry cleaning , probably cancerous . if you absolutely have to do it , do it in open and very well ventilated spaces, and use a mask. just to obtain clorine is easier and safer if you do electrolysis of NaCl solution, where gases are produced under glass bottles filled with water (upsidedown ) H2 is produced in the - electrode. this primitive aparatus is somewhat safe (max 12v dc , graphite or inox electrodes). as gasses are produced they replace the water so are well contained, cl can dissolve in water so it will escape a bit. Be aware that the solution will get basic NaOH, so dont touch it barehanded