is it true that non-believers will not eat devils food cake because they don't believe in it?


Favorite Answer

You can eat devils food cake if you eat angel food cake right after.
They cancel each other.


I am a Christian and I eat devils food cake. It's just a name like Angels food cake is, which by the way I don't like.

Alfred E. Einstein2009-05-16T18:21:23Z

I don't believe in angels either but I just made angel food cake. Just like devils and devils food, if they don't exist, there's no point in letting it go to waste it. Someone might just as well eat it.


Good lord, that's an old joke! However, I seem to remember it going that preachers wouldn't eat devils food cake, and only ate angel food cake.

řada předně2009-05-16T18:09:15Z

I dont know, but the other question is "will they eat angel food cake" do they believe in that???

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