Christians, why does god allow priests & nuns to die in natural disasters. Isn't this self-defeating behavior?
Since things like earthquakes, lightning, floods, volcanoes, hurricanes and tornadoes are "acts of god", doesn't it seem rather contradictory to destroy those who have devoted their lives to spreading "your word?"
In fact, why allow these people to die at all? Why not have tornadoes rip through pedophiles homes? Why not have sleazy mortgage brokers get drowned in floods? Why not have Paris Hilton get struck by lightning? Why not have John Travolta and Tom Cruise get caught in a lava flow? Why not swallow Las Vegas whole into a crack in the Earth?
Favorite Answer
God makes the rain to fall on the righteous and the unrighteous alike.
Angry are we? Leave Las Vegas out of it , I have to admit since they got rid of the mob and corporations took over it hasn't been the same. Since I retired I don't go near the strip To many memories of old Vegas. These corporations give Hilton a few hundred grand to attend a party. she's going to take it. All these nuts follow the antics of these people. keeps papers from talking about issues we want to hear. If it has something to do with Hilton, Ritchie, Spears. the kids know it all everything else forget it. Lighten up on Vegas, It's not that bad. The mob gave people a good time for their money They build these billion dollar casinos because people are looking for an easy buck most of them leave without a buck. ,
The death toll is still one per person. Even people in the Bible who served God died eventually whether it be in peace or something else. As for hurricanes tornadoes, volcanoes, floods, lighting, and earthquakes, those are also called natural disasters. You know, things that happen every day or in its own season? Another thing most people fail to recall is the enemy of God who wants to kill His people in the most painful way possible and kill the lost before they can get reached. As for evil people just getting smitten on a daily basis, if that were to happen there would be no one left. That and everyone has a set time on earth, so everyone gets their opportunity to get saved.
We often ask ourselves “How could God allow this to happen?” “What did I do to be punished in this way?”
Three points about suffering: 1) Jesus resisted and eliminated suffering- Jesus healed the blind and sick. “Then Jesus went about all cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and curing every disease and every sickness” (Matthew 9:35).
2) Jesus rejected suffering as punishment for sin- John’s Jesus when healing the blind man: “Neither he nor his parents sinned; its so that the works of God might be made visible through him” (see John 9: 1-41). In Luke 13:3-4, Jesus indicated that the victims of the collapse of the tower of Siloam were not killed due to sin or guilt on their part. We all suffer "for he makes his sun rise on the bad and on the good, and causes rain to fall on the just and on the unjust" (Matthew 5:45). People just care more and think more about the suffering of good people, but God don't not discriminate. Just look at the horrible death his son Jesus suffered.
3) Jesus trusted a compassionate present God- The parable of the Prodigal Son tells a lot about the Father: he allows his son full freedom, waits for his return, and then forgives his son without any bitterness and throws a party to celebrate. Jesus used the word Abba “daddy”. Abba is a loving, forgiving, gentle parent. Even as he faced suffering and death, Jesus remained faithful to his call, always trusting in God, his mission, and the resurrection.”
Las Veas isn't swallowed into a hole because God gave everyone free will to live how we choose, and said he would not hurt man. It is not until our death or his return that we recieve judgement.
Nice justification of the atrocities committed by an immoral god. So you believe that the thousands who perished in the Haitian earthquake were simply being tested? Isn't that test a wee bit rigged? Kind of like taking a university level calculus test when you are in grade 3? Even if you can justify the death of individuals, you cannot justify the death of thousands.