Would your child have ended up in the dumpster?

This is for mothers who have surrendered or relinquished a child for adoption to answer.

In a previous question it was suggested that if expectant mothers who are considering adoption aren't solicited for our children, then they would abandon or kill our children by leaving them in a dumpster or worse. So my question to you, mothers who have relinquished or surrendered a baby for adoption... would you have dumped your child in the dumpster?


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Of course not. That is delusional, and you can tell from the persons post that she has serious entitlement issues. It is amazing to me how many Pap's and AP's want to belittle and stereotype the SOURCE of their supposed "miracle". A big red flag is when they do it BEFORE they have even adopted. That indicates there is serious damage that is going to be perpetrated on the adoptee.

Seems even if expectant mother chooses adoption, they are accused of throwing their child in a dumpster. We are damned no matter what we do.

The people that adopted my child told her that I was a drug addicted prostitute that threw her in a big city dumpster. I don't drink, and have never done drugs. I was raped by a neighbor that was unknowingly stalking me. I lived in a small country town, and am most definitely not even remotely promiscuous or have ever been. In fact, rape made me the opposite.

My daughter had to grow up with that falsified and completely ludicrous image of me (and herself, since she is part me). Thankfully, she wanted to see for herself what kind of trash she came from, and she found the truth. The only trash in her life, was coming from the mouths of the ones who adopted her.


When I hear about the handful of young girls who actually do throw their babies in dumpsters, I feel so sad that they are so frightened of their parents, so shamed by a society that espouses this kind of cr@p that they are driven to murder. It is not a stand alone kind of thing that drives them to do this, but a lifetime of terror. They are desperate and resourceless. This is a tragedy not unlike the ones where those who are so desperate to adopt that they cut open the womb of a living mother and steal her child. That is another tragedy, and just as it doesn't define the PAP, necessarily, the mothers who dump their children in dumpsters are no more representative of natural mothers.

My son would not have ended up in a dumpster, but in a middle class home, with brothers and sisters that he knew, surrounded by family that is like him.

It seems that rather than us mothers throwing our children into dumpsters, many of our parents, the grandparents of our lost children, threw us both away.


No, my children wouldn't have ended up in dumpsters.

She did want adoption for them before they were born but that doesn't mean she doesn't love them. I think its rare for a child to be totally abandoned that way (At least in Australia it is.) I know of only three in 5 yrs (The babies were placed for adoption 6 months later after social services spent time searching for the mother but neither mother came forward.) one little newborn baby was buried recently that was found last year in a rubbish tip after they spent ages trying to find his mother for fear of her welfare and mental state. They never found her, and had a funeral for the baby.

I'd hate it if people said that to my kids or indicated that their first mother would do that.


OMG! I was attending a fancy college for upper middle class girls when I got pregnant in the 1960s. I had already finished 3 years of college before my 20th birthday, due to skipping a grade.I wasn't poor and I wanted my child.

The thought of harming my baby never entered my head. I sought out pre-natal care with an ob/gyn on my own in order to have a healthy pregnancy.

My parents sent me away and forced the adoption due to their own shame and fear, and a corrupt agency sealed the deal.

I wouldn't have tossed away my child in a dumpster.....that is murder for God's sake!!... for anything.

Millions of women have lost children to adoption, wrongfully, through coercive tactics of agencies, hospitals, attorneys, and other nasty players.

Only a few , in comparison, abandon children in dumpsters.


Only mental cases believe that babies not given up for adoption would end up in a dumpster.

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