If opened access to adoptee's is not going to happen?

Would it be a reasonable argument to suggest closing ALL birth records? Let me explain

If the fight to keep adoptee's from obtaining their information is because it could scar another person, and they feel that this non law is acceptable. In order to equal every ones civil rights would it be preposterous to suggest that no one have these rights? That ALL birth records be sealed and no one be able to access them?


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Really, I don't see where it is reasonable at all. It may sound nice to say or suggest but in all practical purposes it doesn't make a difference. When you look at laws, be they in the US or Canada, anyone can clearly see that civil rights are never equal, even outside of the adoption issue.

People have the freedom of religion yet prayer is banned in many schools and public forums. Heck, people are even suing in the US to have "In God We Trust" removed from the money. Who's rights win out there? The religious or the non-religious?

People have the freedom of speech yet some speech is labeled "hate speech" and people can be jailed for saying certain things. Who's rights win out there? Those who speak or those who take offense to what is being spoken?

People have the rights to be free from unreasonable search and seizure yet under the RICO statutes in the US the police can seize your car or money if you get pulled over and are found to have a large amount of cash on your person, regardless of whether you have that legally or not.

These are all examples of how civil liberties and personal rights are balanced in either of our societies and depending upon which side of the scales you are on will form your impression as to whether or not things are fair. If people want the system changed to adjust how the rights are balanced then all they can do is lobby to get things changed. The Courts and the system may accept the arguments and mandate change(s) or they may not accept the arguments and agree that things are fairly balanced the way they are.

If they don't agree with something then people need to work to change the issue at hand, not waste energy looking for other things to make just as unfair so that everything is balanced.


Nothing would surprise me. Some individuals want complete falsification of the birth certificate in cases of egg/sperm donation and/or surrogacy (meaning there would not be an amended birth certificate, there would only be an original which would completely falsify the genetic parents of the baby).

If we're going to falsify some government documents, why not go the whole nine yards and fake, seal, or burn all of them?

kateiskate is newly married!2009-05-20T13:53:29Z

Technically you're right. It's not fair to deny adoptees access to their information in order to be "politically correct". Why not allow everyone privacy and seal all records of everything? At least that would not be discriminatory!


If adoptees can have their birth records sealed, it can happen to others as well. Just because it has not happened does not mean it will not happen.


No. Not reasonable. People won't even listen to you if you suggest that. It's good to just stick with the truth. That's what it'll take. The truth.

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