How come the CDC is holding the medicine to Swine flu just in case it becomes an epidemic? It doesn't make much sense to me. Obviously if we have about 5 thousand cases already in the US, wont it be obvious it will eventually become an epidemic if the medicine isn't given to those who have it? What can we do to make our voices herd? Can we write to the CDC?
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If what they have is a vaccine, it is useless to those who have it. And the usual way to stop a virus is a vaccine. It takes a long time to make a large amount of vaccine, and to test it to make sure it isn't doing more harm then good. They often have serious health risks. Even the rabies vaccine for dogs and cats which has been around for a long time has a chance to make dogs and cats drop dead whenever they get the vaccine.
I would rather risk a mild case of swine flu then the affects of an untested vaccine for it! Swine flu appears to be more mild than regular flu, although it attacks everyone the same whereas regular flu is only very dangerous to those with comprimised immune systems.
Since swine flu is new, no one really has immunity to it yet.
Swine flu already is an epidemic. Once it is everywhere in the world it will be a pandemic.
Well keep in mind that it is at level 5 and is a epidemic and a soon pandemic. The CDC is holding the vaccine back because it's not perfectly ready to distribute yet. You can try to contact the CDC but they will simply say that the vaccine is in production at this time.