Where can I find a synthetic wig?

Hello.. :)

My daughter is losing her hair..:(

She is 33 years old..

Where can I find the least expensive strait long dark brown wig, for my precious daughter?

Other than ebay..

((((((( HUGS ))))))) To One & All.. :)

In Jesus Most Precious Name..
With ~Love~ In Christ.. :)


Hello dear ones.. :)

I broke down (which means I am broke now)..LOL

I got my daughter a wig from ebay.. :)

((((((((( HUGS )))))))) To each and everyone of you..

Great Answers.. :)

With ~Love~ your "Friend" In Christ.. :)


Thank-you also, for all your ~Loving~ support for Kira and myself..

"A real friend is hard to find, difficult to leave and impossible to forget"

My Fathers Daughter2009-05-22T09:57:28Z

Favorite Answer

What a beautiful Mom you are!
I'll check something out just a jiffy. I wish I could have had a wig when my half my head was chopped and shaved, (Cerebral Heamatoma) '74 -horse accident -she bolted then fell and rolled over me once, then getting up, the other way.
i was just 14 and crushed literally. *smile*

So I think you'll get a lot out of this.. even though she isn't a cancer patient, a large hospital should be able to help you out, I'm sure just for the asking, but there's this page too..


I like this page, as it shows all the different head wear and some ways on how to wear it, other than wigs essentially*

Psst: Hows Darling Kira now?

Have you watched the movie The Doctor, with John Hurt in it, it's quite inspiring*
Perhaps you'd like to watch it as a family?




ELJ, I searched "Wigs" and pages of information came up. I went to every site listed on the first page, and found that each carried wigs with a price range from $92 to $300+. I'm assuming this would be more than you are willing to pay, so I didn't bother with copying links. You may wish to do your own generic search for "wigs."

Now, another thing you can try is a search for "Free Wigs." This will bring up numerous links to free wigs for cancer patients. I know that Kira is not a cancer patient, so this help may not apply to her.

The next search was for "free wigs for alopecia patients." Again, it brought up numerous sites, and one of these may be more suited to Kira's needs.

My apologies for not providing links, but there are so many, and I don't know what route you wish to take for her situation. I am sure, however, that if you contacted one or more of these companies, someone would either be willing to provide her with a wig, or would direct you through the proper channels in obtaining one.

In the meanwhile, may I suggest pretty scarves, hats, bonnets, and visors? Possibly, with the help of some clever styling and strategic headgear, her hair loss can be camouflaged until a wig is obtained.

Another suggestion is to speak with your hairdresser. She has most certainly encountered this situation in the past, and would be able to offer some assistance.

I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help, dear.

((((((ELJ and Kira)))))))

▐▀▀☼▀▀▌ ☼Danielle☼ ▐▄▄☼▄▄▌2009-05-22T22:27:50Z

You seem to have some good answers here, ELJ - so I'm not sure I could offer more. Just wanted to give my best wishes and support to you and your daughter. You are in my thoughts.




expense is a problem for good stuff