Computer Ghost, huanted computer!?

has there been any report of some sort of paranormal computer accurance. such as computer ghost or demon? haunted computer or website? or computer hardware or software going by itself like a printer or scanner, webcam of ghost appearing all of a sudden???


or computer screen exploding, blood comming out of computer screen, speaker or computer turn on byitself and starts laughing ... computer unpluged but still to continues to run??? that sort of thing --- I am not talking bout the Virus for those trying to be smartasses


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I have had people tell me they have ghosts use their computer. I have not been able to document it yet and so far I just assume they are being hacked into.


Yes messing with people ignorant to a certain subject is awesome i do it with computers, and cars all the time. A month ago i told my friend to buy an AT motherboard with ISA expansion slots, i made it sound like it was awesome tech. he couldn't find one but it was still funny he looked.

Peter D2009-05-23T07:07:16Z

Considering that fact that many paranormal phenomena aren't anything more than found anomalies and that magical thinking and credulity are common characteristics of some paranormal advocates, I wouldn't be surprised if such claims have been made.


Erh...nothing to report here. Then the departed spirit would've had to have passed in recent times to understand the technology, wouldn't it? Surely I could find something more interesting to haunt or posess.


I wouldn't worry until blood starts coming out of your computer screen or something. Or the printer prints out "redruM"

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