This is a question for the Pro-Routine Infant Circumcision crowd?
Why should it be the parents choice to decide whether or not the child will be circumcised rather than the owner of the penis (the child)? Even if there really were medical benefits (I do not believe there are), circumcision is not a medically pressing issue. There is no reason to have it done now, rather then when the child is old enough to make the decision for himself.
#1- Infants are not sexually active, so there are no worries about STD's
#2- Even though the studies in Africa are flawed, even the researchers said that circumcision did *not* reduce HIV risk after 2 years post circ. As we all know, infants are not at risk of contracting HIV via the penis.
#3- It is easier for the parents to care for an intact penis because the foreskin is fused to the head of the penis. No special care is required until the foreskin becomes retractable, in which case, the boy is old enough to care for it himself.
#4- It actually hurts LESS to be circ'ed as an adult, because they can give adequate numbing, and even general anesthesia if so desired. Also, they can send them home with powerful pain killers for the post-op recovery period. Not to mention, the man has a choice in his circ status.
#5- Even though UTI's are rare in boys, they are not that bad. (I just had one myself a few weeks ago) Infact, they are 8 times more common in females, yet we do not amputate parts of their genitals. We give them antibiotics and they are fine.
#6- They will not be made fun of in school, the circ rate in America is about 50%, so this generation will have an entirely different view of circumcision.
Noah's Mommy- I WAS just asking a question. These are the facts, and the facts are, that yu have violated your sons human rights. You in NO WAY answered the question, thus showing that you have nothing to say in defense. You are giulty and you know it, you just dont want to admit it.
Stef- yes, I am pro-choice. I also vaccinate my son. I am not taking away anything that belongs to him. Vaccines simply stimulate the immune system. There are also real benefits from vaccinating
Kisses come in fives- again, because it is not your penis to decide to amputate part of. Discipline methods are different. They are not permanatly altering a part of the body nor do they make the sex life less enjoyable for both partners.
Are you ok with people circumcising their daughters? After all, it is THEIR daughter. What about tattooing their 4 month old?
Favorite Answer
Ooh ooh! I can answer! It's because it's going to have to be done later anyway, and it's much easier to do it to a baby than an older person!!!!! Because they don't get as good pain killers and they're stuck with the wound in a nappy!!! Also, their kids belong to them, and they made them, and went through the pain of labour, so it's fair the kid goes through the pain too! Also, personal choice!!!!!!!!! The child isn't capable of making the decision so the parent gets to decide and obviously the child will think the same as them!!!!! Not to mention, their son's penis is none of your business! And obviously altering their child's future sex life is their business! They will have to clean the penis for 3 years so they can modify it accordingly, who cares about the 80+ years when the child will have to use it? Also, look like daddy!!!! Locker room!!!
If these people think a question on YA is bad they should just ponder this; today's baby boys will grow up with so much more information available to them at a so much younger age. In the past boys grew up and even married without realizing that their penis had even been modified, without knowing that something had been taken from them. Today's boys will know at a very early age that they have been robbed of 20,000 nerve endings on their special part, they will read that the five most sensitive areas of their penis were cut off and that not one area that they now have left can compare to any that were cut off.
How will you like this question? Mom and Dad did you know that the most sensitive spot on my penis is along the "circumcision" scar. My best 'happy spot" is a scar! What gave you the right to decide how my genital should look? Did you think that I would be too stupid to wash my penis? Did you think I would be too stupid to use a condom? Why did you think I would care if my penis would match dad's? So if Dad didn't get to keep his complete penis I don't either? When does the stupid end?
Why is this question posted here? IT NEEDS TO BE EVERYWHERE!
To the she-child that doubted that a man would be given powerful pain-killers for such a "small cosmetic procedure". I have had small procedures done to me and was given prescriptions that have very big Federal warnings about distributing without a prescription. I never used any of them, that included three very unpleasant rectal surgeries; however, I do recall my "circumcision" post-op pain when I was 8 years old, I WOULD HAVE USED the Oxycontin had it been offered. Hacking off part of the penis is not a "small cosmetic procedure" it is the most sensitive part of a man, as a she-child you have no idea. I pity the baby boys that are given nothing effective to ease their pain.
This question might strike some guilty nerves, but I am quite certain that it will not draw blood or leave a scar. When parents and "doctors" force their opinion on a baby boy that is not true.
Not enough speak up for the infant boys! I was circumcised at birth and hated being cut. I have since restored my foreskin and life is good again. I wish someone had spoke up before I was circumcised.
if your question is designed to be educational instead of causing drama, why dont you post it in the pregnancy section. people in this category generally already have children and have already made decisions on their child's health care (which i believe they should be able to make on their own with research and advice from their doctor, and personal preference) you may get much better results in that category. i do not have a son, but when i do i will not circumcise because my husband isn't, and i dont want there to be confusion when he's little. this is just a suggestion so you aren't targeted with hateful responses and so others that have already made the decision aren't insulted.
*EDIT* UTI's are EXTREMELY painful and the biggest inconvience ever. so thats completely untrue. so i would take that out if i were you, if you arent going to delete the entire question. UTI's turn into bladder infection, that turns into kidney infection, that could cause permanent damage. they are usually easily treated and cleared up, but some arent. i usually have to go through many different meds because mine are always resistant to the normal medications. i am not pro or anti circumsise, but that is just an entirely false statement.
It's time people spoke out against infant mutilation, that cruel, barbaric practice.
For too long Americans were gullible, believing the propaganda promulgated by the medical community about the so-called benefits of male genital mutilation.
Most of the rest of the world didn't believe it, and in Europe, Scandinavia, South America and most of Asia men are unmutilated and function quite well, and people there aren't dropping of the dreaded diseases supposedly prevented by maiming infant boys.
But I guess that we Americans are more gullible and the old wive's tales and outright lies about circumcision are still parroted by those who have never even seen a foreskin.
I only wish that my own parents had given more thought about what they were perpetrating on their son.
Now I am restoring my foreskin, which isn't quite finished yet, but it has vastly improved my sexual sensitivity and function. Orgasms are much more intense, and I feel more complete, and whole as a man.
I cannot comprehend how anyone cannot understand that an undamaged penis feels and functions better than a damaged one.
Circumcision is the worst hoax ever perpetrated on the male sex.
A foreskin is not a birth defect; it is a birthright.