Where Can I Find Buyers of OLD Books?

I have a series of old Harper's Family Library books - all dated between 1831-1840. They were known to be very factual (if dated) works.

Does anyone know where I can sell them and not lose my shirt? I'm not looking to sell them on Y!A, I'm looking for contact info for a professional rare book buyer.



Favorite Answer

ABE http://www.abebooks.com/docs/Sell/ would be a good place to sell old books. Sellers from all over the world go there to sell to buyers from all over.

Apparently there are three pages of listings for Harper's Family Library books, priced anywhere between $5 through $15,000. See http://www.abebooks.com/servlet/SearchResults?bi=0&bsi=0&bx=off&ds=30&kn=Harper%27s+Family+Library+books&sortby=2&x=0&y=0&yrh=1840&yrl=1831&prevpage=3

Both Amazon and Barnes & Noble have outside sellers, too. I do like ABE, though, and have found some wonderful books there.

I hope this helps.

***As a note: ABE handles all types of books, including, as an example, a first edition of Pride and Prejudice from 1813 (there are 6 different copies available for purchase, priced between $14,500 to $106581.25). http://www.abebooks.com/servlet/SearchResults?an=Jane+Austen&bi=0&bx=off&ds=30&fe=on&sortby=2&sts=t&tn=Pride+and+Prejudice&x=56&y=12&yrh=1813 I mention this only to point out that ABE is a place where very rare books can be found - or sold.


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Where Can I Find Buyers of OLD Books?
I have a series of old Harper's Family Library books - all dated between 1831-1840. They were known to be very factual (if dated) works.

Does anyone know where I can sell them and not lose my shirt? I'm not looking to sell them on Y!A, I'm looking for contact info for a...

Ed M2009-05-28T16:17:10Z

Check at ABE Bookstore in Chicago and at your local College library. They will need a typed listing of the books, their publication date and condition. Alibris might also be some help. There is another store in Cleveland where I visited last month, I will send the address next email

And BTW: They are antique books, not old. They are only old if you are selling them.

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