why even bother becoming a doctor with Obama's HEATH CARE :/?
i mean why so i even bother to wast my time my life and money for college to become doctor if when i actually do I'm going to be taxed to h3ll. I don't understand obama and his ideas I'm at a critical point in my high school life to where what he does affects my future. ok free health care less money for doctors and health care workers ok since there not getting paid and its not worth the 8 + years to do it nobody does this would cause a shortage in doctors qualifications for doctor would lower and we would have a new whole generation of not so smart workers and that would just be fun going to the doctors waiting behind the homeless who don't pay taxes and then finally seeing the doc after the government told you to go to him and he says your toe has mono. it all to clear to me its just a downward spiral to disaster, I mean why should i even still want to spend all that time and hard work just to get the carpet pulled underneath me
Favorite Answer
I agree with you. Obama and his health care plan both suck. But....many experts are predicting that his plan will do more harm than good and be too expensive and end up not working and the plan would be abolished within a few years. So hang in there. Also I would post this question again in the politics area, you will get many answers with more information over there....just beware of the half that are for it over there.
If you want to be a doctor, you will want to be a doctor regardless of pay. Many teachers don't make that much, but they find it very rewarding. If the only thing you care about is making less money, you shouldn't be a doctor. Medical schools are still turning so many people away, I also don't think the shortage will result from Obama-we are already in a shortage because the schools can't handle as many people as they say are needed to makeup the difference. You won't have uneducated people being doctors as long as literally thousands are being turned away when they have met all the requirements.
First of all, you'll never get anyone to agree to a right or wrong answer to this question since it concerns health care and the new president.
Second of all, this also depends on the fact that you'll still be interested in becoming a doctor once you've started your college courses, if you're smart enough to pass the classes and ace the MCAT, and if you have the endurance to last the 12+ years.
So, all in all, I think you've got plenty of years to worry about this, in which time Obama will no longer be president and you may no longer want to become a doctor...
Obama's plan for health care would actually help the economy because instead of people paying HMO and pharmaceutical execs multi million dollar salaries every year, the money would be going towards better health care especially for those who can't afford it.
Disability funds that are disbursed to those who can no longer work would be cut down because better preventative and over all care would be of the utmost importance as opposed to an HMO that didn't budget for that kind of problem. Doctors (except maybe plastic surgeons) would get paid relatively the same. We are the only modern, western country to not have universal health care and Cubans actually get better medical treatment than we do even though we have a significantly larger per ca pita income. Do some research...and look at England's model as well.
Because in a universal health care system doctors are paid based on how they preform. So you could actually make more money for working harder. Btw, Obams plan is very far from government run free health care. He wants private and public competition and before he implements public health care he will probably use NGO's. Check your facts