In WoW, at what levels do the hunter's pets get their talent points?

I am just wondering if anyone knows at what levels the hunter's pets get talent points or if there is a link you can show me that has the information. Thank you in advance for any help.


Thank you to all who added the actual advice and you other little people need to grow up.


Favorite Answer

Starting at level twenty, your pet accumulates one talent point. From then on, every four levels, your pet is given an additional talent point.

I found this well documented at:

My pets were 80 before 3.0 came out.

Oh - and is a great source of game information.


For some reason, a Hunter's pet doesn't get a talent point every level. I'm not really sure why or how, as I've slowed my WoW playing down quite a bit, but I do remember it didn't come with every pet's level.
When they brought out the patch that introduced the whole "pet talent point" thing, I was already at least level 65, so sadly, I cannot help you..


My main was a level 62 Night Elf Hunter, although I had stopped playing WoW about 8 months ago I believe that every 2 levels you gain a training point that you can use at the trainer to get the pet skills. Your pet, on the other hand, I want to say they get a point per level.

Don't quote me on this because a lot could have changed. Your best bet would most likely be with the official WoW website.


The hunters get their pets at level 10 I believe and for the talent points/talent tree i believe it starts at level 20 for pets..

check thotbot if you want to know for sure.


Pets get talent points at level 20 and every four levels after that.

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