OPINIONS, coverup of Sotomayor position on gun control?

http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/05/28/sotomayors-gun-control-positions-prompt-conservative-backlash/. And related articles claiming it is "not definitive". Opinions please. Regards, Larry.


I wish for my Conservative Democrat friends to take note that I am only asking questions here. My only stumping is that I feel for a governmental system to function well, a free exchange of information is necessary for due process. ~Larry.


You wouldn't believe how many neo-Nazi Mafia and illegal Latins are now glaring at me!


In the last hour, out and running chores around town, two mafia goons have brandished weapons in my face (one a lethal), two have attempted to cause a collision, and one got in my face and called me a Marked Man, all because I have spoken out for American freedom and a free exchange of thoughts and ideas in public. Clearly now the mob is depending upon a high percentage of "Dupe-ocrats" in all parties. If good people do nothing to protect their freedoms, they deserve enslavement by evil, and they will surely have it. ~Larry.


Not long ago, an illegal Latino said i was not welcome at the auto parts store for refusal to surrender to the neo-Nazi mob. I ignored him. Yesterday, an illegal Latino said I was not welcome at the hardware store for refusal to surrender to the neo-Nazi mob. I ignored him too. Today I see that a Latina Judge says white Justices are no longer welcome on the Supreme Court, and that white gunowners should be register/disarmed one state at a time, while neo-Nazis are placed on every work crew nationwide, from security companies to food supply to mass transit to utilities, etc., to shut down the country as soon as it is disarmed, pending it's surrender. Is Sotomayor a "sleeper agent" who has assembled a good record, waiting for the hit? Anyone else see a pattern forming?


Favorite Answer

She needs to be asked loud and clear this question during her confirmation hearings. Since the Court has just recently ruled on this, she won't be able to claim that she can't because she might be in a position to have to rule on a 2nd Amendment case. Doubtful the Court will have to rule on another 2nd Amendment case in her life.

Those who support the 2nd need to be calling and writing their Representatives.


She claims that the 2nd Amendment only applies to federal law. In other words, she's ok with state laws that infringe on your Constitutional rights. Of course they are trying to cover that up. It's all part of BO's campaign to undermine traditional values without making it look like he is.


She is an anti-gunner just like "some" of Americas presindent. (I only consider a president MY president if he is a US citizen). I say it's time to start writing congressmen and women and doin a little bitchin.