If Humpty was so dumpty why did he get on the wall and set down in the first place ?
what a egg head.
what a egg head.
Favorite Answer
What came first Humpty Dumpty chicken or Humpty Dumpty egg?
Humpty Dumpty is a parallel of the amazing, exploding Cosmic Egg.
Why did it suddenly appear in virgin space and what happened to the Cosmic chicken that laid it?
Its about ENTROPY- the concept that order goes to chaos naturally and is not easily reversed. Its why time goes forward, for example, and not backward....humpty doesn't spontaneously reassemble...the order of time is humpty fall smash and not the other way around.
This reminds of how Christians argue against evolution
How do you know Dumpty got on the wall voluntarily?
I saw a bumper sticker once that said it all:
Humpty Dumpty was pushed