Do you think this song has any place in the adoption industry?
Love, Queen
Linny- I LOVE Queen too. I just love Classic Rock in general, but yeah. What I had in mind were PAP's, I never thought about it from the FP's and adoptee's POV. Good point!
Wake Up!- lol! Thumbs up for you!
Favorite Answer
Sure. I LOVE Queen. I love this song. If I chose this song for the adoption industry, for the ap's. it means find them a baby to love. For the f moms, it means get them their baby back to love. For the adoptee, it means, give me back my first mom to love me, and find someone to love me unconditionally. For me, that love is my husband and my own children, and a handful of friends.
I have never felt unconditional love from my ap's, because I was their little savior sent to heal them from the curse of infertility. I was never loved for me just being me.
Love that song, but in a multidimensional perspective it covers the whole world, from Making Love, to Making Babies to looking for adoptive parents to Love Babies made, to looking for a Baby to Love.
Yup! It fits the adoption industry really good! Ha ha!
I do think of it is pushed by making use of ladies people Sunny, yet I additionally think of it is created by making use of adult males. i'm continually surprised by making use of how little adult males are even pronounced in this internet site. To a large volume women anybody is put in puzzling positions by way of fact they don't have the help of adult males. Many are enormously plenty abandoned. The financial futility that girls people experience is many times the end results of ladies people feeling they could desire to advance a sprint one on my own. regrettably, different women people do capitalize on the vulnerability of others.
It depends on which slant you want to put on it. What cant' stop Linny G said makes sense. But if you want to go for the darker dirtier side I prefer Bohemian Rhapsody. You have the gays, murderers, people who wish they had never been born, and those who work hard every day but feel they have nothing to show for it because they have no one to love.
But thanks for the link, I spent an hour in there listening to some great music.
I guess, I mean it's a good song it could fit anything in your life that you want it to, that's the beauty of music it speaks to us all personally and differently. But for myself no, it doesn't make me think anything about adoption.