Why no questions about Sotomayor 2nd Amendment non-support?

True, the Supreme Court has recently ruled every regular citizen has 2nd Amendment rights. But Sotomayor has ruled in favor of dismantling the 2nd Amendment not real long ago, and referring the matter to individual states, like New York, which would get rid of it entirely, in such a manner as to spread to other leftist states. This is the only real sticking point I see in her confirmation, but it is fatal to support "dismantling the Constitution" when trying to break into the Supreme Court. Why is this not a big deal? Opinions, please.


As you see, I did not use the words "cover-up" or "brainwash". Oops, they slipped in, just like the subject matter.


I have to think Barry was not warned about this..... and somebody has some explaining to do around the Oval Office!


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Why ask about something that is crystal clear? Yes, I am rabid about my 2A rights. However, I am also rabid about all of my other rights. I would get just as upset if somebody infringed on my right to a fair trial, my right to free speech, or my right to not have to quarter the army in my house.


Quite frankly this is an issue the far Right is RABID about but most Americans don't have all that high on their list of priorities.


Because you guys have been too busy telling ghost stories about racism.


she had already stated that she thinks that americans need to be disarmed