Have to go into court to show just cause for Child Support?

I have always worked hard to make sure that my kids had everything and my ex-wife never had to buy them anything. I have payed child support on time every month until 6 months ago. I had to quit working in early 2008 because of my diabetes, arthritis and have congestive heart failure. I worked on cars for as long as I could physically and sent in every spare dime that I had into child support even if it was not the court ordered amount for the past 6 months. I applied for disability 2 months ago since I cannot work. On top of what I send to CP I have always bought their clothes, made sure they had anything that they ever wanted and needed since my ex and I split up. My ex never bought them anything using the CP. I am now $1700 behind and I received a court summons for a show of cause order to go into court to explain why I didn't pay anything last month. CP has reported that I still work for my old employer in this summons and dont pay the CP just because I dont want to. Why the worker put these things in the order just because my ex says so without any real proof? Is that legal? Besides the fact that my ex use to have an aunt that worked for Social Services. What's also really irritating is that she filed outrageous domestic violence charges on the 20th of last month (which she never even showed up for court for and which also made the 3rd time in 3 years) and then had SS do this order on the 21st. Are there any factors here that will help me in court on Monday?


I dont have time to get medical records by Monday with how slow the doctors offices are since these papers were just served to me yesterday.


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If your SSD has been approved, take the paperwork with you to the hearing. Remind the judge that she will receive a retroactive check from them. It is not deducted from your. You will need to file a modification to reduce your payments.

First, you need to know that the child support guidelines are not set in stone. They are just guidelines. You can make a case for not paying so much.

1988 Public Law Record
of the Social Security Act is amended-
(1) by inserting (1) after (b):
(2) by striking, "but need not be binding upon such judges or other officials;" and
(3) by adding at the end the following new paragraph:
(4) "There shall be a REBUTTABLE presumption, in any judicial or administrative proceeding for the award of child support, that the amount of the award which would result from the application of such guidelines is the correct amount of child support to be awarded. A written finding or specific finding on the record that the application of the guidelines would be unjust or inappropriate in a particular case, as determined under criteria established the State, shall be sufficient to rebut the presumption is that case."

You need to file a motion to modify your child support. If you are current in your support, you can do this by making an official request for a modification at the child support enforcement office under the provisions of Public Law 12.

If there are arrears, contact the Clerk of the Court and request forms for filing for a modification, Pro Se.

You will need to get a copy of the child support guidelines and worksheet from child support enforcement to determine if you have cause for a reduction. There needs to be at least a 20% difference in his payment.

NEVER pay your child support directly to the mother as it can be considered a gift and not support. Always pay threw the court.

If you want to learn how to do all this go to Dads House in Yahoo Groups. When you join, you’ll receive a link to an educational manual that will teach you what you need to know. Take the time to learn what you can and should do.



Unfortunately yes your ex can do this. She can have it reviewed every 3 years. You could try to get the records sometimes they will give them to you faster if you showed them the court papers. Also is there a way you can get a letter from your last employer stating that you do not work there any longer? The Child support agent always goes on what they are told by the other spouse it is up to you to prove that you are not working etc. Just go in court tell the judge the truth and explain your situation. Maybe even bring a list of your meds you are taking so the judge knows your are serious. The most they will probably due is lower your child support into a different bracket since you are not working, and add the outstanding balance as arrearge and you will pay extra a month to get that balance paid down. Also apply for your disability and let the judge know that you have that in the process.
Have the Child support officer show where you have paid on time for many years and that this is not a pattern of not paying, then the judge will also see that you have fallen on hard times.
Good luck on Monday!!


"Why the worker put these things in the order just because my ex says so without any real proof?" - They're not going by anything said by your ex. They're going on the last information they received from you. Since you have not filed a motion to modify the order, they're assuming the last info you provided is still accurate.

"then had SS do this order on the 21st" - The motion to show cause is most likely automatically issued by the court at a certain arrears amount.

"Are there any factors here that will help me in court on Monday?" - Not for the arrears. The doctor's reports on your disabilities and proof of your application for disability may help get the order modified.

"I dont have time to get medical records by Monday" - Going into the office and waiting for them to print out a copy might take twenty minutes ... Excuses are only going to hurt your credibility with the court. You knew it was going to come up eventually, right?

You asked so...2009-06-04T18:02:05Z

You need to call your doctor's office tomorrow and ask for verification that you cannot work for your court hearing. Someone in the office should be able to fill out the paperwork and give you that information before Monday. You don't need your records, just something in writing confirming the fact that you cannot work, per your doctors orders.

Edited to add: The gentlemen below is correct, never give money to the mom even if it is for something the kids need. Send the money to child support and they will send the mom a check and you will get credit for that payment. It's good that you are being a good dad but you aren't dealing with a reasonable person (the mom) so be smart when it comes to the $$.


Unfortunately no. Most places have no tracking on the money that is payed out in child support. As for you leaving your job, the court will look at that as just that. You left. They don't care the reasons. However, bring doctor's documentation showing that you could not physically perform the job. That may help you. As for the other factors, that's a separate issue that will not be brought up in court.

Most likely, you will be required to find another job and replay the arrears in small monthly payments over the course of years. At worst case, they can give you thirty days to repay the entire amount, at the penality of going to jail for 90 or so.

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