Which other countries allows common people to have pistols(guns)?

Its easy to get license to possess gun in US...I want to know which are all other countries which allow people to have guns


Favorite Answer

U.S. is tops with 90 guns per 100 residents. Next is Yemen with 61, then Switzerland with 46. From then on its just in the 30s or less. Apparently, other countries aren't big fans of personal liberties and self-defense.


He answered your question with a question !
Switzerland is the most note able, because it's much more heavily armed than we are. They can carry guns in Germany, Canada, Australia and others, though it's not so easy. Japan has a total gun ban


You should not need a license! You have a Constitutional right to bear arms. Any ordinance you can afford! Lock and Load, Rock and Roll! America!
Watch out for the usurper in chief, he has his sights on our weapons. You see he doesn't believe in the Constitution. He is not a Natural Born American himself and therefore not Constitutionally eligible to be in our White House.


Only the US allows complete toothless idiot right wingers to have all all the guns they want.

